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Dell EMC E05-001 Certification Syllabus and Study Guide: https://www.edusum.com/dell-emc/dell-emc-information-storage-and-management-deca-ism-exam-syllabus

Test your EMC Specialist E05-001 exam level

An organization plans to deploy a new application in their environment. The new application requires 4 TB of storage
space. During peak workloads, the application is expected to generate 4900 IOPS with a typical I/O size of 8 KB. The
capacity of each available disk drive is 500 GB. The maximum number of IOPS a drive can perform at with a 70 percent
utilization is 110 IOPS.
What is the minimum number of disk drives needed to meet the application\\’s capacity and performance requirements
given a RAID 0 configuration?
A. 8
B. 20
C. 30
D. 45
Correct Answer: D

What is a benefit of deploying a multi-site storage system-based remote replication solution?
A. Ensures disaster recovery protection remains available in the event of source or remote site failures
B. Provides the capability to recover data to any point-in-time
C. Requires low network bandwidth to perform synchronous replication
D. Enables a consistent near-zero RPO in the event of source and remote site failures
Correct Answer: A

What is an accurate statement about three-way NDMP backup in a NAS environment?
A. Backup device can be shared among multiple NAS heads
B. Each NAS head should have a dedicated backup device
C. Backup data traverses at least three NAS heads before reaching the backup device
D. Backup is performed only when three or more NAS heads are present
Correct Answer: A

What does the transformation of an operating model for third platform adoption involve?
A. Provisioning IT resources through a self-service portal
B. Establishing new roles and responsibilities to manage IT services
C. Adopting virtualization technologies to enable automation
D. Building new technical and business skills in the IT staff
Correct Answer: A

What is an advantage of performing cumulative backups compared to incremental backups for the same data?
A. Facilitates faster restores
B. Facilitates faster backups
C. Reduces the storage space required for backups
D. Eliminates the need for full backups
Correct Answer: A

An organization has several virtual machines (VMs) deployed in their data center. The VM files are stored on a block-
based storage system. The applications on the VMs are impacted during VM backup because the backup agents on the
VMs are consuming a large amount of resources.
Which alternate backup solution is recommended to address this issue?
A. Image-based backup
B. Three-way NDMP backup
C. Two-way NDMP backup
D. Target-based deduplication backup
Correct Answer: A

What is a benefit of implementing a virtual machine (VM) storage migration?
A. Balances storage utilization by redistributing VMs across different storage systems
B. Enables VMs to keep functioning even if the source data is lost due to a failure
C. Improves the security of applications running inside VMs on the migrated storage system
D. Reduces the overall storage system capacity requirements for organizations
Correct Answer: A

What is enabled by the N_Port ID virtualization (NPIV)?
A. A single physical N_Port to obtain multiple FC addresses
B. A single virtual N_Port to act as a physical Ethernet port
C. A virtualization layer to map virtual volumes to LUN IDs
D. A single physical N_Port to act as a virtual HBA port
Correct Answer: A

What maps the logical path of a file system to its physical path in a file-level virtualization implementation?
A. Global namespace
B. Remote procedure call
C. Distributed file system
D. Cache coherency
Correct Answer: A

What is an accurate statement about a logical volume in a compute system?
A. Can span across multiple physical volumes
B. Can only be created from a single physical volume
C. Must be created across multiple volume groups
D. Allows multiple file systems to run concurrently
Correct Answer: A

What is compromised by a passive attack on an IT infrastructure?
A. Confidentiality
B. Integrity
C. Availability
D. Repudiation
Correct Answer: A

What is an advantage of a software-based object storage implementation?
A. Provides the flexibility to reuse the existing infrastructure
B. Requires less storage capacity to store a large number of objects
C. Provides the flexibility to create more than one object ID for an object
D. Requires less hardware to support scalable architecture
Correct Answer: A

Which NAS implementation requires separate management of the NAS head and the storage?
A. Gateway
B. Scale-out
C. Unified
D. Integrated
Correct Answer: A

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