Successfully passing the Cisco 700-150 exam to obtain certification makes it easy for you to become a top talent.
It is not a simple matter to obtain Cisco Advanced Security Architecture Specialization 700-150 certification: First of all, you need to pay a high test fee, secondly, you need to learn a lot of professional knowledge for the exam, and finally, you need to take the exam. This kind of process does not guarantee that you will pass the exam. Every year, many people cannot pass the exam smoothly!
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- The latest updated Cisco 700-150 exam practice questions
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Cisco Advanced Security Architecture Specialization 700-150 exam question and answer online practice exam
Cisco Catalyst 9000 is built for SD access. Which of the following are the features?
A. Fixed access, future-proofed and mobility
B. Convergence, fixed core and first in enterprise
C. Future-proofed, industry\\’s unmatched and first in enterprise
D. Fixed access, industry\\’s unmatched and first in enterprise
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following could be considered a business outcome\\’?
A. to nounsh people and the planet
B. customer experience/innovation/fulfillment
C. implements direct-to-customer experience by the end of FY 2021
D. respect employees, customers, and suppliers
Correct Answer: C
Cisco Unified Data Center offers some benefits to customers. Which is not a benefit?
A. Gain control over increasing complexity
B. Sophisticated capabilities made simple
C. Deliver more value, faster to all lines of business
D. State of the art infrastructure
Correct Answer: D
Which of the following is not a feature of Cisco ONE software?
A. Software license tied to hardware
B. License portability and flexibility
C. Access to innovation, upgrades, and new capabilities
D. Simple set of solutions in networks and cloud
Correct Answer: A
Which term describes the capability to correlate security information and apply intelligence in order to understand
A. sophistication
B. breadth
C. integration
D. depth
Correct Answer: C
During which phases of protection would Cisco\\’s Next Generation Firewalls be deployed?
A. after an attack
B. during an attack
C. before an attack
D. during and after an attack
Correct Answer: C
Which of the following describes the NFV ENCS Virtualized branch?
A. a cloud-delivered overlay WAN architecture that facilitates digital and cloud transformation for enterprises
B. a hybrid platform that combines the benefits of a traditional router and a traditional server to offer the same
functionality with a smaller infrastructure footprint
C. a security application that mitigates vulnerabilities to offer branch and consumers protection where they need it most
D. a network device that mathematically verifies the entire network for the correctness
Correct Answer: A
The Cisco Cloudlock protects your cloud users, data, and apps. Which of the following is not under the coverage of
A. Facebook
B. Salesforce.com
C. Box
D. Slack
Correct Answer: A
Which phrase best describes Cisco\\’s software strategy\\’?
A. implement a build-and-fix software development model
B. identify and communicate risks
C. promote collaboration among in teams and organizational levels
D. use software and software-defined solutions to help customers realize more value from their IT investments across
their organizations
Correct Answer: D
Which is a unique capability of Meraki MX?
A. API-based management
B. Java-API console management
C. single pane of glass management tor full-stack branch infrastructure
D. came grade security for data centers
Correct Answer: C
Which Cisco mobile end point application provides instant messaging, voice and video calls, voice messaging, desktop
sharing, conferencing, and presence?
A. Cisco Jabber
B. Cisco Webex Teams
C. Cisco TetePresence MX
D. Cisco Expressway
Correct Answer: A
A business requirement is something that is needed by business stakeholders. Business achievements should achieve
the following except for?
A. Reflected in a business requirements document
B. Provides the overall direction of the business
C. Provide value to the business
D. Describe what the business needs
Correct Answer: A
Cisco Fog Data Services are software services that deliver edge analytics, control, and security for data in the fog.
Which of the following is not a feature or benefit?
A. Network compliance
B. Analytics at the network edge
C. Application control of loT sensors
D. Security and privacy
Correct Answer: A
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